WELCOME to Body-Brain Boogie WELLNESS Blog!


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Age Well with the REAL AGE Website

Live Life to the Youngest!

http://www.realage.com continues to be one of the very best wellness websites – and it’s free! Sign up and received bi-weekly e-mails containing useful health information designed to enhance your total well-being. This is one phenomenal wellness resource!

Jeff Haebig

Friday, January 2, 2009

Principles of Brain-Based Learning

Eric Jensen Shares Learning Principles Related to Neuroscience

Eric Jensen http://www.jensenlearning.com/About/ericjensen.asp has written 26 books helping parents and educators understand how the body brain learns best. His books are easy to read and very practical. Millions of educators and students have revised their teaching and learning practice thanks to Eric Jensen.

http://www.jensenlearning.com/BBLearn/principles.asp Principles of Brain-Based Learning written by Eric Jensen describes the characteristics deemed most important. Read this dynamic list and read Eric’s insightful books – they will change the way you approach learning. You will feel a renewed spirit of enthusiasm realizing your special talents as a brain-enhanced learner!

Jeff Haebig

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Upcoming BOOGIE Posts

Boogie Posts you can look forward to during the upcoming week!

1/2 Principles of Brain-based Learning
1/3 Age Well with the Real Age website
1/4 Introducing the Brain Food Pyramid
1/5 Multiple Intelligences Define Your IQ
1/6 Everyday Health Delivers Health News!
1/7 Ergonomics Makes Good Sense
1/8 Try to Remember -- A New Book

Wellness Quest offers free daily Health Care-toons, Wellness challenges, health benefits, jokes and inspirational quotes.

Exercise a Happy New You!

2009 is the Time to Create a Happy New You!

Imagine -- you are continually revising your molecular self. Sounds strange. New experiences can create new neural networks and communicating neurochemicals that change the way your body brain thinks, feels and responds... for better or worse.

I am so excited. New research reports that Nerve Growth Factors (BDNF, VEGF, IGF-1, etc.) are produced through exercise. Our Body Brain Boogie Blog will report this research, explaining how you and others can enhance your living and learning potential through physical activity. Be sure to send questions. ideas, articles and links to move our search forward. 2009 is the time.

Thanks for being a vital part of this exciting exploration!

Jeff Haebig
Wellness Quest

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Get More Exercise Next Year!

Aerobic Exercise is Your Best New Year's Resolution

Watch the ScienCentral video showing why exercise increases mental alertness. The research by Judy Cameron, a neuroscientist at the Oregon National Primate Research Center run by the Oregon Health and Sciences University reported more blood flow to the brain, carrying more oxygen and metabolic nutrients.

Once you get going -- keep going. Blood vessel volume returned to pre-exercise levels in the monkey group that were sedentary for three months after the regular exercise regime.

Watch the video http://www.sciencentral.com/articles/view.php3?language=english&type=article&article_id=218392158

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Aerobics Keeps Your Brain Young

More than Good Nutrition, Education and Positive Thinking

http://www.bioedonline.org/news/news.cfm?art=2005 BioEd Online reports that Aerobic exercise is the best way to keep your memory healthy. According to Jennifer Wild's research report of Ian Robertson research at the University of Dublin, Cardiovascular exercise surpasses stretching for being sharper, with memory and attention improvement. Read this interesting article and see why exercise is sort of a wonder drug in the over 50s age group.

Jeff Haebig

Monday, December 29, 2008

What Babies and Children Really Need

Sally Goddard Blythe's book on child development is a must read

Sally Goddard Blythe has written extensively about primitive and postural reflexes, showing ways to integrate them through movement. This is especially important during infancy and early childhood. Abnormal reflexes are often the physical basis of learning difficulties, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).

http://www.inpp.org.uk/inpp_publications/books.php What Babies and Children Really Need, is Sally Goddard Blythe's recent book, teaching mothers and fathers how to nurture children's growth for wellbeing.

http://www.inpp.org.uk/ The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology provides information on Dysgraphia (writing), Dyslexia (reading and writing), Dyscalculia (math) and Dyspraxia (coordination). Sally Goddard Blythe is one of the world's most knowledgeable educators who gets to the root of learning challenges. She is the author of a number of acclaimed books, including Reflexes, Learning and Behaviour and The Well Balanced Child.

Jeff Haebig

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Caffeine Craze of Youth

Wake up and realize the growing problem

Dr. Kathie Nunley’s http://help4teachers.com/caffeine.htm article cites several problems with young people consuming more and more caffeine, increasing dramatically during the last decade. The body brain starts to rely more on artificial stimulants than producing its own excitatory chemicals. Obesity can be traced to soft drink consumption… the high phosphorus content in soft drinks can also rob bones of calcium, of particular concern to females.

Read other excellent articles on http://brains.org/articles.htm one of Kathy Nunley’s websites for educators and parents. Kathy originated the Layered Curriculum, an effective means of meeting student’s varied needs. Her insightful articles and exceptional educational programs are all body brain based. Kathy Nunley is extraordinary! Visit her website often.

Jeff Haebig