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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Eating Well After Exercise

What You Eat After Exercise Matters

Newswise reports research from the University of Michigan, showing that “Many of the improvements in metabolic health associated with exercise stem largely from the most recent session of exercise, rather than from an increase in ‘fitness’ per se,” according to the study’s senior author Dr. Jeffrey Horowitz. “Specifically, the study found that exercise enhanced insulin sensitivity, particularly when meals eaten after the exercise session contained relatively low carbohydrate content. Enhanced insulin sensitivity means that it is easier for the body to take up sugar from the blood stream into tissues like muscles, where it can be stored or used as fuel. Impaired insulin sensitivity (i.e., “insulin resistance”) is a hallmark of Type II diabetes, as well as being a major risk factor for other chronic diseases, such as heart disease.”

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hyper-vestibular system (video)

Know why so many are challenged in school and life

People with an oversensitive or ‘hyper’ vestibular system often feel overwhelmed. Visual, auditory, tactile, proprioceptive (muscle and joint) and the attentional systems are directly connected to the vestibular apparatus located within the inner ear. Sitting in the back seat of a car, walking over a bridge, being on the playground, gym, or a class where there is excessive talking, writing or movement can be very challenging.

Rocking, walking, and other linear movements can soothe the oversensitive vestibular system, helping people relax and focus. As the video shows, at times we need to “rock it, to calm it.”

Physical exercises designed to strengthen the vestibular system can greatly help academics. Daily Physical Education taught by movement specialists enhances the body-brain helping students with a hyper-vestibular system achieve their living and learning potential.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Obesity and Early CV Disease

Childhood Obesity Alone May Increase Risk of Later Cardiovascular Disease

Newswise reports research conducted at Nemours Children’s Clinic, showing that obesity alone can predispose individuals to developing cardiovascular disease early in adulthood. Abnormalities in C-reactive protein, high fibrinogen, and other markers for predicting the development of cardiovascular diseases occurred in obese children as young as age 7, long before the onset of puberty.

Nelly Mauras, MD, senior author concludes, “It would be prudent for health care providers to advise more aggressive interventions to limit calories and increase activity in “healthy” overweight children, even before the onset of puberty.

Once again Daily Physical Education with an emphasis on fitness is advocated by researchers, within the medical community.
Note: The health cartoon is taken from Health Care-toons Calendar by Jeff Haebig and cartoonist Ed Fischer.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Exercise Can Ease Fibromyalgia Pain

Easy does it… well planned movement can reduce pain and build strength

Seems contradictory… but moving sore muscles and aching joints can benefit the body according to Gina Shaw writing for
WebMD. Swimming, mild stretching and light aerobics can benefit many people. The National Fibromyalgia Association offers a bountiful resource of articles including this one by Lara Ozenne entitled, Staying Fit with Fibromyalgia.