Natural highs – healthy ways to feel good
Tian Dayton’s video briefly shows the importance of ‘turning on’ the body’s opiate system… endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin, prolactin, and other calming and euphoric mood stabilizers released through wholesome activities. Emotional sobriety is learning how to live in the mid-range, achieving a balanced state to release the medicine chest within us, rather than resort to drugs and addictive behaviors.
Tian Dayton’s article, Body Comes to Therapy, excerpted from her book, The Magic of Forgiveness provides a thorough understanding of how emotions affects the body, including “How Emotion Travels Though the Body… The Positive Function of Fear and Anxiety… The Power of Thought… The Role of the Limbic System… It’s Never Too Late to Limbically Revise… and Limbic Resonance, Regulation and Revision.” Many forms of physical and emotional distress may be caused by pain internalize as a child. We need to confront these deeper origins of pain. Visit for more insightful articles – this is a terrific site!
Tian Dayton’s video briefly shows the importance of ‘turning on’ the body’s opiate system… endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin, prolactin, and other calming and euphoric mood stabilizers released through wholesome activities. Emotional sobriety is learning how to live in the mid-range, achieving a balanced state to release the medicine chest within us, rather than resort to drugs and addictive behaviors.
Tian Dayton’s article, Body Comes to Therapy, excerpted from her book, The Magic of Forgiveness provides a thorough understanding of how emotions affects the body, including “How Emotion Travels Though the Body… The Positive Function of Fear and Anxiety… The Power of Thought… The Role of the Limbic System… It’s Never Too Late to Limbically Revise… and Limbic Resonance, Regulation and Revision.” Many forms of physical and emotional distress may be caused by pain internalize as a child. We need to confront these deeper origins of pain. Visit for more insightful articles – this is a terrific site!