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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cell Tower Health Risks (video)

Learn the serious health risks of Radio Frequencies!

Strong evidence shows electromagnetic radiation from cell phone towers is damaging to human and animal health according to EMwatch.com. Serotonin and melatonin levels are disturbed affecting brain messaging, mood, sleep regulation and immune system function. Cancer rates are higher. Short term effects include headaches, sleep disorders, poor memory, mental excitation, confusion, anxiety, depression, appetite disturbance and listlessness. Living within 400 meters of the cell phone towers has shown to increase risks. BioInitiative.org provides a comprehensive report of RF health risks. Links to many research-based EMF related websites can be found on LessEMF.com.

An insightful article by B. Blake Levitt on EnviroLink.org explains how laws were passed taking away cities and citizen’s control over cell tower placement. Read about the substantial nonthermal hazards of RFs, largely ignored by the FCC. This article is disturbing to those of us working for wellness.

Learning less than two weeks ago that a Wireless Communication Facility is proposed to be built less than 200 meters from our home, I decided to create the Radio Frequency Rhythm and Rhyme routine to share at the Development Review Board Public Hearing. The video entertains people to take this matter seriously. I am hoping it prompts the public and elected officials to take decisive action -- and not dance around this serious health issue!

Body Laterality and Learning

See what side of your body and brain is in control

Prodigy.net offers a most comprehensive series of articles helping us understand laterality, and crossed or mixed dominance. Find out what eye, ear, hand, foot is dominant within your body. Understand ways to correct faulty dominance when it results in learning problems.

Insist on daily physical education to assure your child builds a strong sense of laterality which leads to midline mastery of the hands and eyes needed for effortless reading and writing. Once again movement prevails as the leading way to achieve academic success!