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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Invest in YOR Health

Start by reading this excellent article on lifestyle and nutrition

This insightful article found on YOR.com relates today’s higher nutritional and environmental stresses on the body brain. Most statistics are taken from Nutrition Made Simple by Robert Crayhon, M.S., C.N., named one of the top 10 nutritionists in the U.S. by Self Magazine.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Get Serious About Play

Joyful, energizing, creative play boosts physical, mental and social skills

Stuart Brown’s research shared on TED website, speaks convincingly about plays involvement with human development and intelligence. It’s time we get serious about play, regardless of age. Watch this delightful video.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cerebellum Key to Learning

Watch Prof Bellum's explanation about how the brain makes skills automatic.

Watch this video explaining how the cerebellum is involved with reading, writing, spelling, coordination, attention and memory. Expanded research of the cerebellum shows how movement is essential to learning. Thank you Dore.com for advancing the need for Physical Education in our schools.