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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Success in Teaching

Visit this comprehensive website for many marvelous ideas

Ronald Fitzgerald’s Success In Teaching website is jam-packed with many exceptional articles related to brain-friendly teaching. Ron’s vast experience in education and his passion, moving schools towards excellence is reflected in his keen writings. Plan to visit this amazing website often and enjoy Ron’s articles including his monthly Classroom Tips Newsletters.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Alternate Nostril Breathing (video)

Soothe chronic pain and promote relaxation

Timothy McCall, MD. writes in the Yoga Journal explaining how yoga breathing practices can quickly relax the fight-or-flight sympathetic nervous system, shifting energy to the restorative parasympathetic nervous system. Pain can be effectively reduced.

Researchers from Nepal Medical College found that alternate nostril breathing can have a powerful calming effect. Other research is reported on CRPS/RSD A Better Life blog, including interesting ways alternate nostril breathing stimulates the brain hemispheres. A video describing this technique is shown.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why Kids Need Recess

Even the Kids Who Misbehave!

Rae Pica originator of Moving and Learning.com, author of 18 books related to movement and active learning has written a number of excellent articles including, 7 Reason Why Kids Need Recess. Check out her other insightful articles, like Linking Literacy and Movement along with her blog, The Pica Perspective.

All the research Rae Pica reports establishes the need for Daily Physical Education, morning and afternoon recess for children, and frequent use of physical movement teaching classroom concepts in order to optimize the body brain and firmly establish new neural networks that comprise in depth learning.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Recess is Really Important!

Study shows the importance of recess during the school day

Linda Ebbing writing for the Middletown Journal cites how vitally important recess is for elementary students. Burned off energy, better behavior, improved concentration, improved motor skills, enhanced social-emotional skills, and better attention are a few benefits mentioned.

Recess breaks as short as ten minutes improve children’s learning efficiency according to Catherine L. Ramstetter who conducted a comprehensive review of literature regarding recess throughout the United States.

Many schools have dropped recess to devote more time preparing for tests to meet NCLB mandates. If that is true in your school district, go to the school board and insist on Daily Physical Education and morning and afternoon recess! Read the Peaceful Playgrounds blog for more recess-related information.