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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Get High without Chemicals

Wellness Quest for Your Best! Sing, exercise, laugh and enjoy other natural ways to perk yourself up. Body-brain ‘feel good’ chemicals you create can last longer, without nasty hangovers.

Health Benefits: Natural endorphin chemicals produced in the body and brain can produce feelings of peaceful calm and euphoria, while easing physical pain.

Quote: "Let us endeavor to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." Mark Twain

Humor: “Why did you get drunk in the first place?” “I didn’t get drunk in the first place… it was the last place.” Author Unknown

Post Script: Feelings of blissful euphoria can result from soothing massage, brisk aerobic exercise, helping people, meditation and other natural acts.

Quest Link: 20 Natural Ways to Get High: Part 1 by

Take Steps: How to Get a Natural High on

Video: Emotional Sobriety by Tian Dayton on

Note: The cartoon is taken from Health Care-toons Calendar by Jeff Haebig and cartoonist Ed Fischer.
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Hypo-Slow Vestibular System (video)

‘Fidget is Legit’ in classrooms to aid
our learning challenged students

Video: We are creating learning handicaps in our classrooms for students with vestibular weakness when we don’t provide enough physical movement that stimulates the vestibular and connected visual, auditory, tactile, and proprioception (muscular) sensory systems. Attention deficit may result as the RAS, Reticular Activation System is under-stimulated by a hypo-slow vestibular system.

NCLB, Leave No Child Behind by insisting our learning challenged students have frequent opportunities to strengthen their body brain systems called upon to succeed in school. Daily Physical Education
strengthens the vestibular system with repeated movements (e.g., rolling, spinning, bouncing, stop and go, balancing, etc.). Let’s move on this!