WELCOME to Body-Brain Boogie WELLNESS Blog!


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Problems Being Overweight and Obese

Serious health problems need to be addressed

Everyday Health website cites reasons why being overweight (more than half of our population) and being obese (up to 26%) presents serious health risks, including various cancers, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart and artery disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes, anxiety, depression, sleep apnea, joint deterioration, and many more diseases, many of which lead to premature death. Helpful weight related information is shown. Body-brain Boogie Blog will soon present more comprehensive ways to lose weight through exercise… a topic that was treated lightly.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Autism Spectrum Disorder Management

Special report rating educational strategies and associated therapies treating ASDs

Pediatrics, Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics offers an online Report on Educational Interventions, Speech and Language Therapy, Social Skills Instruction, Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration Therapy, Comparative Efficacy of Educational Interventions for Young Children, Programs for Older Children and Adolescents, Medical Management, Seizures and Gastrointestinal Problems, Sleep Disturbance, Evaluation of Challenging Behaviors, Psychopharmacology, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and Family Support.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Upcoming BOOGIE Posts

BOOGIE Blogs you can look forward to next week!

2/6 Autism Spectrum Disorder Management
2/7 Problems Being Overweight and Obese
2/8 SMART Activities Boost Learning
2/9 Somatics -- Mind-body Training
2/10 FIT Kids Act Targets Obesity
2/11 Physical Education and Brain Development
2/12 Healthy Fundraising is Available

Wellness Quest offers free DAILY Health Care-toons, wellness challenges, health benefits, inspirational quotes and jokes.

Music Linked to School Success

New Research Links Music to Increased Brain Power

Lois Thome reports how studying a musical instrument improves student’s school work. Visual and verbal ability improved on certain tests carried out by Harvard researchers. The longer and more intensely students practiced their piano and stringed instruments, the better they did on tests.

Visit Madeline Frank’s monthly Article and Musical Tips for current research connecting music and the arts to social, emotional and academic success.