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Saturday, September 26, 2009

LD Remedy… We Hold the Key!

Helping People… Unlock their Potential

Living and Learning… Movement is Central!

Neuro-education connecting Neuroscientific research and learning suggests the most effective ways to optimize body brain cells and systems to boost attention, sharpen focus, heighten motivation, enhance learning performance skills, and extend memory.

But what if, despite our good intentions and diligent work, these methods don’t work?

Then take a step backwards and return to the basics, helping the challenged learner retool their sensory, processing and motor systems that may be struggling. One or multiple systems might be involved, including the visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, reflex, tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular systems.

Let’s explore each of these systems over the next few months. Discover what people are doing to mature the sensory input system, brain processing/memory system, and motor output system called upon to express learning through talking, writing, art, music, sport, and other life-enhancing performance skills – this will be great fun!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Exercise Your Brain with Neurobics

Neurobics works to keep your aging brain fit

Lawrence C. Katz and Manning Rubin offer ‘83 Neurobic Exercises to Health Prevent Memory Loss and Increase Mental Fitness’. Thank you Scribd.com for offering this free e-book packed with practical ideas. Chapters include Starting and Ending the Day… Commuting…At Work… At the Market… At Mealtimes… and At Leisure. Hat’s off to David Suter for his novel illustrations creatively representing this science of brain enhancement.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pump Dopamine Naturally

Use your body to pump this essential brain-boosting chemical

Good-feeling dopamine is a pleasure/reward neurochemical that boosts attention, raises motivation, and orchestrates the prefrontal cortex – the executive brain that focuses on learning and minimizes impulsivity. Stimulant drugs are sometimes prescribed to help people diagnosed with ADD and ADHD produce more dopamine. Brisk, large muscle movements do the same, especially aerobic exercise.

Daily physical education, morning and afternoon recess, frequent physical activity breaks, and subject matter taught with movement will get dopamine pumping naturally.

This is a great fix for frittering minds!
Note: The Health Care-toon shown above is taken from the Health Care-toon Calendar, 365 Ways to Look and Feel Great by cartoonist Ed Fischer and Jeff Haebig. Visit WellnessQuest.com for a daily Health Care-toon and related wellness ideas.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Jump Start Your Brain

Ten techniques to keep your aging brain fit

Ken Currier’s writing for Stuff Your Brain Likes website, has briefly outlined what we can do to keep our brain vibrant throughout life. His article is a good reminder of brain plasticity – its remarkable ability to refresh itself throughout life, given well chosen exercise and nutrition.
Note: The Health Care-toon shown above is taken from the Health Care-toon Calendar, 365 Ways to Look and Feel Great by cartoonist Ed Fischer and Jeff Haebig. Visit WellnessQuest.com for a daily Health Cartoon and related wellness ideas.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

HPERD Boosts Learning Success

Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance are Key

Create ideal learning states shown to grow and speed body brain cells and systems responsible for enhanced learning. Exercise and relaxation are key, along with a healthy diet and wholesome living practices. Read these Body-BrainBoogie postings -- then take daily action creating new dendrite delight adding new receptor sites and more vibrant energy information bytes, making your hippocampus hop, synapses sing and cerebellum ring!