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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Movement Nature Meant (Video)

Master Effortless Movement
Part One --Lying to Sitting

Ruthy Alon demonstrates the restorative potential of natural movement.
Part One video is an introduction of Awareness Through Movement, showing childlike pleasure discovering new movement options while restoring your senses. Lying down to sitting up, search the effortless spiraling trajectory moving against gravity. Let go of trying to control the world. Reclaim the belief that life can be easy –accept easy is right – sense this right as pleasurable.

Moshe Feldenkrais, outlined movement that nature meant. Without competition, relearn your authentic way of moving. Observe subtle changes producing profound differences within your entire self.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Exercise and Physical Activity

Your Everyday Guide from the National Institute on Aging

National Institute on Aging offers a free comprehensive eBook with seven chapters helping people establish and maintain a fitness program. Chapters include: 1. Get Ready 2. Get Set 3. Go! 4. Sample Exercises, Endurance, Strength, Balance, Flexibility 5. How Am I Doing? 6. Healthy Eating 7. Keep Going and Frequently Asked Questions. WOW! I can’t think of a more complete tool for seniors and anyone else interested in physical fitness. Check out the complete listing of Resources too!