Whip Couch Potato Laze
Wellness QUEST: Go ahead -- lounge around, relaxing in your love seat; then take time to lunge around, plunging yourself into robust activity. Move eagerly to whip your couch potato tiredness. Go from vegetating, passively going to seed, to generating higher energy with exercise. Shift from watching great ‘action movies’ to actively making great moves of your own! Exercise today staying well within your fitness and comfort zone… then post your results and celebrate!
Health Joke: His best activity was compressing springs, chair and bed springs. Unknown
Inspirational Quote: Live for today. Yesterday’s history and tomorrow’s a mystery. Unknown
Special Note: Be safe. Stay well within your level of fitness and comfort zone. If you haven’t been exercising, consult with a fitness specialist or health care provider before getting started, especially if you are out of shape, over 40, or have a medical condition. Slow down or stop if you feel any discomfort.
Share and Care: Share what you did completing your Wellness QUEST activity on our Facebook Page. Care for other people’s well-being by sharing your post with them, or better yet, getting them involved.
Wellness Winners: Qualify for a special prize drawn during the next week by posting your completed Wellness QUEST activity on our Facebook Page. If the time you submit your “Like’ is closest to the predetermined times we choose for the week – you will become our weekly Wellness Winner receiving the perpetual, desk-top Health Care-toons Calendar by cartoonist Ed Fischer and Jeff Haebig, Ph.D.
Thanks for springing to action, when you are feeling sluggish.