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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Relax to Soothing Music

Enjoy the rich aural delight of peaceful music

Change Your Thoughts blog brought to life by Steven Aitchison offers ten beautiful pieces of ambient music. Sit back and enjoy!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Eye! Eye! Learning Success!

Strengthen vison needed to read, write, learn!

View the All About Vision website for many insightful ideas about vision, including eye nutrition. One glaring omission occurs on their page citing how important eye exams are for children, relating various aspects of vision needed for learning – but failing to offer exercises that can be used to strengthen visual processing. Such exercises can be viewed on Eye Can Learn website! Seems strange that children’s eye exams in school do not measure these visual skills, and little thought is given about strengthening vision to help students better focus as they read, write, calculate, draw, catch a ball, etc. People talk about No Child Left Behind, but can't see that many children are left behind because of visual challenges. Let's change their view!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Music and the Brain

Music training changes brain networks

The DANA website reports the most current research related to brain science. For those of us interested in ways to enhance body brain function, exciting research has been reported relating musical rehearsal on the developing brain. Research by Ellen Winner and Gottfried Schlaug shows, “that children who receive weekly music instruction and practice regularly perform better on sound discrimination and fine motor tasks. Furthermore, brain imaging shows changes to the networks associated with those abilities.” Sound discrimination is central to reading and fine motor movement is key to writing. Let’s convey this research to educators who often fail to understand the importance of music to academic performance.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Active Sitting

Rid back, neck and shoulder pain caused by sitting

Mary Newell’s article posted on a leading Feldenkrais website shows the importance of regularly attending to your sitting position while at the computer, especially if you sit for extended periods of time. Have you noticed back, shoulder or neck pain recently? Then use a dynamic sitting position. The Feldenkrais method is worthy of your time and attention,