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Friday, December 23, 2011

Body Brain Boogie WELLNESS Blog: Night Before Wellness

Body Brain Boogie WELLNESS Blog: Night Before Wellness: Night Before Wellness by Jeff Haebig T’was the night before wellness, all through the place, not a person was stirring it ...

Night Before Wellness

 Night Before Wellness
by Jeff Haebig

T’was the night before wellness, all through the place, not a person was stirring it was a disgrace.
My program was started with thoughts of health care, I hoped many people soon would be there.
Nutrition was taught but despite what I said, visions of junk food danced in their heads.
And rather than walking or running their laps, most people wanted their long winter naps!
When all of a sudden there arose such a clatter, as people discovered they were getting much fatter.
Away to the gym they flew like a flash, it seemed to appear they were having a bash.
The moon on the breast of their heart throbbing chests, glistened in sweat and was I impressed.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear, they replaced Gatorade with pretzels and beer!
I offered a food course so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it would do the trick.
More rapid than eagles to my food course they came, but when it was over they were eating the same.
Eggnog, French fries, butter and cream, so high in cholesterol I wanted to scream!
No dashing with salt they all heard my call, yet despite the warnings they dashed away all.
I offered new courses to which they all flew, but sensed their frustration and I felt some too!
And then in a twinkling they asked for some proof, they thought that my teachings were only a spoof.
I went ahead and turned things around, I taught them new health skills which seemed more profound.
Like relaxation from head to their feet, they thought biofeedback was really a treat!
And target heart rates, CPR too, positive thinking when feeling blue.
A bundle of skills which help prevent ills, they thought my health lessons no longer such frills.
Their eyes how they twinkled, dispositions how merry, complexions like roses, they're no longer wary!
And then it was time for budget review, with probing questions like, “How did I do?”
The tightening purse string drawn up like a bow, for me to get money I would have to show …
A total health program so mighty, yet lean, The examiner looked rather uptight and mean.
The stump of his pipe he held tight in his teeth, and his cancerous smoke was too much to breathe.
He had a broad face and oversized belly, that shook when he laughed like he ate too much jelly.
He was chubby and plump I thought to myself, and hoped that my programs wouldn’t be shelved.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his pen, led me to think that my programs would end.
He spoke not a word but went straight to his work, then all of a sudden said he “felt like a jerk!”
He wished to lose weight and give up his smoking, I felt so elated I almost was choking!
I sprang to my feet to my team gave a whistle, “We’ll plan you a program that surely won’t fizzle!”
The last words exclaimed as we ended the night, “Wellness quest to all, and to all much delight!”

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Spread the Sunshine! (Music Video)

Bring Me Fun! Sunshine! Love!

Join the Jive Aces; swing your day towards happiness with a lively song sung by Ian Clarkson, with spirited dancers and musicians expressing their flair for wellness.  Stand up, click your fingers, tap your toes, and catch the body-brain boosting beat throughout the day.

Monday, December 12, 2011

14 Safe Ways to Change Your Brain

Enhance Your Health Too! 

Jam-packed with wellness ways to optimize your body-brain, with interesting links to articles, studies, and app… even a "Come On Man" funny video clip.  Thanks Kaitlyn for this handy article.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wellness QUEST for Your BEST!

Keep Looking Up!

Wellness QUEST: When you are feeling downcast, look up.  Notice how your upbeat view lifts you, helping you overcome your challenge.   If you’re on your last leg, look for someone on solid ground who can help you get back on your feet, moving you forward.

Your Health Challenge
  Write and post, “One or two upbeat thoughts, when feeling down.”

WIN a Wellness Prize!:  Share your upbeat thought(s) and become our next Wellness Quest Winner!  Simply post your positive thoughts by clicking the ‘LIKE’ button under the “Keep Looking Up!” post on Wellness Quest’s Facebook page. You will automatically be entered in our raffle drawing.  If the time you post your ‘LIKE’ comes closest to the predetermined winning times we have chosen for the week – you will become a Wellness Winner, receiving the undated, desk-top HealthCare-toons Calendar, 366 Ways to Look and Feel Great by cartoonist Ed Fischer and Jeff Haebig, Ph.D.  (You may post one ‘LIKE’ per day relating to this week’s Health Challenge!  See how many upbeat thoughts you can think of.)

Thanks for shining your ray of optimism towards gloomy situations!

Links: Optimism

Health Joke:  Due to financial problems, the light at the end of the tunnel will be shut down until further notice.

Inspirational Quote:  Do not take life too seriously.  You will never get out of it alive.  
                                                                                                                                  Elbert Hubbard

Health Care-toons Calendar is an undated, spiral-bound, desk-top calendar offering years of daily Wellness QUEST Activities, each with an inspirational quote, joke and cartoon designed to get people laughing, talking, and enjoying daily health practices. Topics included healthy eating, exercise, relaxation, feeling management, humor, communication, self- worth, communication, environmental sensitivity, optimism, creativity, responsible drug use, first aid, medical self-care and much more. Fun, friendly, insightful and delightful - Health Care-toons appeals to all ages. Copyright 2005 Wellness Quest, LLC

Monday, October 17, 2011

TODAY’S Wellness QUEST (1)

Whip Couch Potato Laze

Wellness QUEST:  Go ahead -- lounge around, relaxing in your love seat; then take time to lunge around, plunging yourself into robust activity. Move eagerly to whip your couch potato tiredness. Go from vegetating, passively going to seed, to generating higher energy with exercise. Shift from watching great ‘action movies’ to actively making great moves of your own!  Exercise today staying well within your fitness and comfort zone… then post your results and celebrate! 

Health Joke:  His best activity was compressing springs, chair and bed springs.  Unknown

Inspirational Quote: Live for today. Yesterday’s history and tomorrow’s a mystery. Unknown

Special NoteBe safe.  Stay well within your level of fitness and comfort zone.  If you haven’t been exercising, consult with a fitness specialist or health care provider before getting started, especially if you are out of shape, over 40, or have a medical condition.  Slow down or stop if you feel any discomfort. 

Share and Care:  Share what you did completing your Wellness QUEST activity on our Facebook Page.  Care for other people’s well-being by sharing your post with them, or better yet, getting them involved.

Wellness Winners:  Qualify for a special prize drawn during the next week by posting your completed Wellness QUEST activity on our Facebook Page.  If the time you submit your “Like’ is closest to the predetermined times we choose for the week – you will become our weekly Wellness Winner receiving the perpetual, desk-top Health Care-toons Calendar by cartoonist Ed Fischer and Jeff Haebig, Ph.D. 

Thanks for springing to action, when you are feeling sluggish.  

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Understanding Brain Injury (5 videos)

What you should know about brain injury and recovery

Free videos use simple language and images of real people who have sustained a brain injury, as well as medical experts and advocates. 

Five chapters deal with brain injury basics and anatomy of the brain, understanding both traumatic and non-traumatic brain injury causes, effects and classifications, and practical advice for coping with brain injury.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Functional Medicine (video)

Deal with Causes Not Merely Symptoms!

Dr. Mark Hyman
Shift from what you have, to why.  Understand patterns and connections in your whole body system.  See how imbalances in your biologic systems impact your well-being.  Dr. Mark Hyman, speaking at TEDMD does a masterful job explaining the paradigm shift in medicine turning from diseases towards mechanisms.  This 21st century medicine considers underlying causes of disease – toxins, allergens, infections, nutrition, stress… along with medical history, personal genome, symptoms, biomarkers, lifestyle and environment. 

They all wash over our genome stimulating genetic expression causing system imbalances (immune, digestive, detoxification, energy metabolism, hormonal, structural, psycho-spiritual).  Check out this video along with Dr. Hyman’s other proactive videos and articles.